Project: Specs
Role: UX Researcher, UI Designer
Duration: Ongoing
Project Vision
Specs is an automotive ticketing system that allows users to register and interact with automotive events at the reach of their palms. With automotive events being so outdated and not tech-savvy, the organization conflicts during these occurrences are vast. Specs aims to fix that by bridging the gap between the attendee and venue.
1) Create an easy-to-understand visual to let users purchase different types of tickets for any automotive event.
2) Allow users to interact with the event fairly judge the cars attending the event to be selected as winners.
3) Easily merging the back end for venues and allowing them to connect with attendees and see their reports.
The Research
To kick off the project, I asked myself the prime questions. Who are the intended users? What are their goals? Why would someone use this app? What are some challenges the users have before the creation of this app? After interviewing three participants (one of them being a venue owner), it became obvious that all the conflicts they are facing fell within the same categories; easier and quicker entry access, events being more organized, and the judging of the vehicles being fair.
Competitor Analysis
I looked at several potential competitors offering similar features. Although they are in the same market as Specs App, reviews of users depicted the main issues of these applications. 
The major features between competitors were very similar, however, the main issues were:
- User Interface bugs causing users to delete the application.
- Did not offer a ticketing system to major events.
- Focused on a more GPS-driven system.
Meet the Users
Flow Chart / Low Fidelity
(Ticket Purchasing) 
Before moving on to the high fidelity prototypes and mocks, I wanted to break down the steps of the user and get a feel for what the core app would look like when put in front of me.

High Fidelity Prototype
Here I started designing and testing more complex interactions and functionality such as data visualization. This will ensure that most of the interactions in my prototypes are intuitive, add value, and even delight the user. 
Challenge 1
Create an easy-to-understand visual to let users purchase different types of tickets for any automotive event. Doesn't matter if you're a mom to a son who's a car enthusiast like Stephanie, it shouldn't be challenging to quickly and easily purchase a ticket to an event.
To be Continued ...
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